
Facebook vs. Print Ads... Where Should Indiana Home Service Pros Should Spend Their Money?

As we roll into the final stretch of 2024, small business owners in Indiana – especially those in home services like plumbing, electrical, and excavation – are feeling the pinch to generate more leads. After all, keeping that phone ringing is what keeps the business moving, right? But with a limited marketing budget, finding the best way to spend those precious dollars can feel like solving a plumbing problem without a wrench.

One client recently told me, “Facebook? That’s too young of a generation. My customers are grown adults reading the newspaper. I’d rather spend my budget on print advertising.” And with a tight $200 a month budget, I get it – he wants every cent to count. But here’s the thing: while print advertising sounds classic, it may not be the wrench that fits this particular pipe in 2024. Let me explain why.

Myth: Facebook Is For The Younger Generations, Not for Homeowners Needing Services

A classic misconception that Facebook is for the younger crowd. But here’s a stat for you: the largest group of Facebook users in the U.S. is aged 35-44, closely followed by those 45-54. And who do you think is making decisions about their home plumbing or needing an electrician after the lights go out? Not a 12-year-old posting dance videos, I promise you that. Homeowners and decision-makers are on Facebook. They’re looking for local services, reading reviews, and searching for people just like you to fix their home problems.

The Reality: Where to Spend Your Small Business Monthly Advertising Budget

Now, let’s break down that budget. Throughout this conversation, let’s use $200 a month as an example of a small business’s Facebook advertising budget. With $200 a month, print advertising is probably going to get you one ad in a local paper – maybe two if you’re lucky. But how many eyeballs are actually going to see it? More importantly, how many of those people need a bricklayer or a plumber at that exact moment? You’re tossing out a wide net, hoping to snag the one fish swimming by.

With Facebook, that $200 can stretch a lot further. You can target people in your area, focusing on homeowners who actually need your services. Facebook Ads allow you to reach those already searching for plumbing help or those who just had a storm and suddenly need a roof repair. It’s like handing your business card directly to people raising their hands and saying, “Yes, I have a leak, send help!”

Plus, when homeowners face emergency repairs or start gathering quotes for renovations, they often turn to Facebook for recommendations from local residents. They ask who people trust for their specific needs and who they’d avoid. It’s word-of-mouth, but much faster. If someone posts asking for a roofer, they’ll get local recommendations within seconds. Ask us about our Social Media Calendar services!

Common Marketing Questions from Indiana Business Owners:

  • “Isn’t Facebook Ad Targeting too General?” It can seem tricky at first, but the beauty is in how specific you can get. Want to target homeowners in the Johnson County area who recently moved into their and may need home services? We can do it. Want to show your ad to people who have visited home improvement sites recently? Yep, that too! What about something random like recently engaged, has a 5-year-old, and maybe they’re into gardening with a household income of XYZ? Even the randomly specific targeting. You’re not blindly throwing your budget at the wall hoping something sticks. Better yet, we know exactly how they’re performing by tracking ad clicks and keeping track of conversions through the live dashboard we provide you. Now, this process is very similar to Google Ads, but that is a different platform and a different conversation. 
  • “Why Can’t I Just Stick with Word-of-Mouth? That’s Worked for Years.” While word-of-mouth is awesome, it can only take you so far in 2024. Social media is digital word-of-mouth. People are hopping on Facebook asking, “Does anyone know a good electrician?” or “Does anyone have a good concrete guy” or scrolling through reviews for a local roofer. Having a strong social media presence amplifies your reputation and helps spread your name to people who haven’t met your Aunt Betty yet (who always swears by your services). 
  • “Should I Give Up on Print Altogether?” Not necessarily! Print has its place, especially for brand recognition. But if your goal is immediate lead generation on a limited budget, print may not give you the same bang for your buck that social media can. Facebook ads offer more cost-efficient targeting options, giving you more control over how you spend your $200.

What Can $200 on Facebook Ads Actually Do For My Small Business?

Let’s get into the nuts and bolts here. For $200 a month, you can:

  • Run a targeted ad that shows up on the Facebook feeds of local homeowners actively looking for your service. You can even target based on age, location, and interests like home improvement or DIY projects (which often go wrong, requiring your help).
  • Boost posts about recent jobs or customer testimonials. Got a before-and-after photo of a plumbing job? Boost it to people within 20 miles of your town – people love a good transformation story, especially when it comes to something as tangible as their home.
  • Promote seasonal offers. As we head into colder months, maybe offer a “pre-winter plumbing inspection” or “drain clean-out special” to prevent those ice-cold emergencies. Ads promoting deals often drive clicks faster than traditional print ads.

  • Position your business before your local community, showing off your genius. Facebook positions small businesses directly in front of their local community, allowing them to reach the right people at the right time. For businesses with small budgets, Facebook is a much more cost-effective advertising option compared to print ads. Unlike print ads that may only be seen once, Facebook allows businesses to engage with their audience repeatedly, making it easier to generate leads and stay top-of-mind—all at a fraction of the cost.

Your Budget Needs to Work Hard – Make Sure It’s in the Right Place

2024 isn’t the time to keep your marketing stuck in 1994. Yes, print ads have their charm, but social media is where your customers are. With a budget of $200, you’re going to get way more reach, more clicks, and more leads from Facebook than a single print ad in one community.

So, before you give Facebook the side-eye, remember – your customers are scrolling, searching, and reading reviews. Why not let your business be the one they find when that pipe bursts or the lights flicker? Your $200 could be better spent on the tool that’s proven to work in today’s digital age.

Ready to Turn Your Small Business Marketing Budget into Real Leads?

At Plaski Advertising, we specialize in cost-effective, results-driven marketing for small businesses across Indiana. Let’s chat about how we can help your business grow with targeted social media campaigns, custom strategies, and lead generation tailored to your needs.