
Is Your Website Working for You or Against You?

As a small business owner, you know that every interaction with a potential customer counts. For a local Trafalgar lawn care company, their website wasn’t pulling its weight. Their contact form wasn’t sending email alerts when customers tried to reach out, and that’s a major problem when you’re in the service industry. If your customers can’t contact you easily, you’re likely losing business—and fast.

On top of that, their old website was filled with stock photos that didn’t accurately represent the great work they were doing for their clients. Misrepresentation can cause confusion and hurt credibility. It was time for a change!

Here’s How Plaski Advertising Turned Things Around:

Fixing the Contact Form – The first issue we tackled was ensuring that their contact form was functional. We made sure that whenever a customer fills out the form, the business owner is immediately notified via email. Missing out on potential leads is frustrating, but with this fix, they’ll never miss another inquiry.

Bringing Authenticity to Their Website – We replaced the stock photos with actual images from their projects. This not only builds trust but also gives their potential clients a real sense of the quality and care that goes into their work. Nothing says “we mean business” like showing your best work front and center.

Boosting Their Search Presence with SEO – With our SEO-rich approach, we made sure their new website was optimized to rank higher in search results. Whether a homeowner or a commercial client is looking for reliable lawn care in Trafalgar or central Indiana, their website is now more likely to appear when someone searches for related services. By including local keywords and phrases tailored to their audience, we’re helping them attract the right clients from the get-go.

Showcasing Values and Team Information – We also added more content about their team and company values. People want to do business with companies they can trust. Highlighting what makes their business stand out—like their strong work ethic and commitment to serving their community—helps potential clients feel more connected before they even pick up the phone.

Could Your Website Use an Overhaul?

If you’re a small business owner in Indiana and you’re facing similar problems—whether it’s a broken contact form, the wrong images on your website, or you’re just not showing up in search results—Plaski Advertising can help.

Your website should be working for you, not against you. It should capture leads, represent your business accurately, and help new customers find you easily. Don’t let website issues hold your business back. Whether you need a total redesign or just a quick fix, we’re here to help.


Ready to get your website back on track?

Let’s dig in and get those digital doors open wide for your potential customers.

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