
Half the Website, All the Impact: How We Revved Up A Local Auto Shop!

Sheets Auto Nineveh Indiana works with Plaski Advertising for a website

Summary of the Work: They needed one thing: to get job applications rolling in—yesterday. In a perfect world, we would’ve built them a full-fledged, bells-and-whistles website. But, time was ticking, and we needed to get their hiring process into gear. So, we built what I like to call “half a website,” (Clever, right? I am accepting new title ideas! lol) a single page that packs a punch, offering just enough information to not scare off curious prospects while also streamlining the job application process for the owner and his team. Add a sprinkle of Facebook ads, a dash of Google ads, and boom—job applications started coming in like clockwork.

The Challenge: Picture this: you own a busy auto repair shop in Nineveh, Indiana. You’ve got cars lined up out the door, repairs that need to be done, and a mountain of work piling up. Sounds like a dream scenario for any small business, right? Wrong. Without enough staff, this dream turns into a logistical nightmare. Enter Sheets Auto Transmission Inc.—a family-owned company known for its trustworthy, reliable services. Their fantastic local reputation keeps them super busy, so having extra hands in the shop was a must.

Our Approach: What do you do when you need to get a website up faster than a pit crew changes tires at the Indy 500? You build out the necessities. Sure, it’s only a single page, but it’s no slacker. It checks off the essentials: basic info about Sheets Auto Transmission (to keep those all-important SEO algorithms happy), service listings (because let’s face it, prospects are nosey), and, most importantly, a smooth-as-butter job application form that sends applicants directly to Mike’s inbox.

But we didn’t stop there! We shifted into high gear with Facebook ads to boost job visibility and Google ads to drive more foot traffic through the garage door. Hiring and new customers? Check and check.


So, what happened after we hit “go”? Here’s how it played out:

In short, we built a fast, functional “half website” and put the pedal to the metal with digital ads to get the results Mike needed—quickly and efficiently.

Are you stuck in neutral when it comes to hiring or getting more eyes on your business?

Don’t let outdated processes or a lack of online presence slow you down! At Plaski Advertising, we specialize in quick, effective solutions—whether it’s building a streamlined “half website” or running targeted ad campaigns that get results fast. If you’re ready to shift your business into high gear, reach out to us today, and let’s rev up your online presence!